Jesus is Constant

Holiness = Wholeness

This is the work of becoming a saint, to be made whole. It is a messy work. It can be painful but in the end holiness is about letting the Lord make us whole, one day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time.

He isn’t afraid of our mess. He has been with us every step of the way and all He wants to do is show us His love in each of those broken moments. Only in our weakness, are we able to truly see God’s glory. It shines brightly through the cracks of our lives.

The past fews weeks have been really difficult for me. I’ve been feeling very out of control of my own life. Things have been happening that I could never have predicted. People who I thought would never let me down, did. Relationships that I thought were just beginning and growing changed and the potential I saw was lost. Even things at work have been thrown out of wack. In a lot of ways, it feels like every area of my life is inconsistent and in transition.

It can easily get overwhelming and it has gotten to that point many moments, but the other day I remembered this Truth: Jesus is constant. When everything seems like it’s spinning out of control, the one constant is that Jesus is with me and that He loves me. No matter how alone I feel, that Truth will always stand. I am not alone because my Savior is with me. And Jesus brings good out of every situation in the end, even if it doesn’t feel like He is doing anything right now.

The work of holiness is difficult. It’s messy. Bringing wholeness to something broken takes a lot of time too. It all can get really frustrating. With everything being inconsistent it comes down to two choices for me: to rely and rest in the Lord’s love and faithfulness or wallow in self pity. I’m not gonna tell you I haven’t done a little of the wallowing (or a lot, haha) , but I’m also learning to choose to focus on Jesus. The inconsistency in my friendships is forcing me to bring my struggles and pain to the Lord. This is allowing Him, little by little, to bring wholeness to those areas of my life. It’s slow and most days it doesn’t feel like anything is happening, but the Lord is faithful.

Jesus is reminding me through all of this that ultimately, He is in control, not me. The beauty of that realization is that I can be confident that He will bring good out of everything that is happening. I don’t have to try to fix everything or figure everything out. I can just choose to abide with Him and rest. He will bring wholeness out of all this brokenness that I am experiencing. It might take awhile and He might not take away the pain immediately, but He will use it all to bring me to wholeness and holiness so that I will one day be able to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. And isn’t that the goal, anyway?!

Keep fighting the good fight my friends!

I’m praying for you. Please pray for me!



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